International Organizations Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)Bank for International Settlements (BIS)United Nations-Office on Drugs and CrimeEuropean CommissionOrganization of American States (OAS-CICAD)Commonwealth SecretariatCouncil of EuropeFinancial Stability Forum (FSF)InterpolWorld Customs OrganizationInternational Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO)Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors (OGBS): no websiteThe Egmont GroupPacific Island Forum SecretariatEuropolEuropean Banking FederationUN Global Program Against Money LaunderingAssociation of Certified Anti-Money Laundering SpecialistsInternational Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)Fould Ingham LimitedOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) International Financial Institutions Asian Development Bank (ADB):European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank Regional Groups Asia/Pacific Group on Money LaunderingEastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG)Financial Action Task Force (FATF)Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF)Grupo de Accion Financiera de Sudamerica Contra el Lavado de Activos(GAFI-SUD)Council of Europe Legal Cooperation/Money LaunderingGroup of States Against Corruption (GRECO) FIUs Around the World & Other Resources Argentina: Unidad de Informacion Financiera (UIF)Australia: Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)Barbados: Financial Intelligence UnitBelgium: CTIF-CFIBolivia: Unidad de Investigaciones FinancierasBrazil: COAF u Conselho de Controle de Atividades FinancierasBritish Virgin Islands: Reporting AuthorityBulgaria: Financial Intelligence AgencyCanada: FINTRACChile: CDE / Departamento de Control de Trafico Ilfcito de EstupefacientesColombia: UIAF- Unidad de Informacion y Anlisis FinancieroCroatia: Financijska Policija / Ured za Sprjecavanje Pranja NovcaCzech Republic:Financni Analyticky Utvar (FAU-CR)Finland: Keskusrikospoliisi / Rahanpesun selvittelykeskusFrance: Traitment du Renseignement et Action Contre les Circuits Financiers Clandestins (TRACFIN)Germany: Zentralstelle fnr VerdachtsanzeigenGuatemala: Intendencia de Verificacion Especial (IVE)Hong Kong, China : Hong Kong Joint Financial Intelligence UnitIndonesia: Pusat Pelaporan Dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK)Ireland: Bureau of Fraud InvestigationIsrael: Israel Money Laundering Prohibition Authority (IMPA)Italy: UIC (SAR)Japan: JAFIO-Japan Financial Intelligence OfficeKorea, Rep. of: Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (KoFIU)Lebanon: Special Investigation Commission (SIC) Fighting Money LaunderingLithuania: Mokesciu Policiuos Departamentas Prie Vidaus Riekalu MinisterijosMonaco: SICCFINNetherlands: MOTNew Zealand: NZ Police Financial Intelligence UnitNorway: +KOKRIM / HvitvaskingsenhetenPoland: Generalny Inspektor Informacji Finansowej (GIIF)Russia: Financial Monitoring Committee of the Russian FederationSerbia: Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering Slovenia: MF-UPPD / Office for Money Laundering Prevention:Switzerland: Money Laundering Reporting Office - Switzerland (MROS)Taiwan: Money Laundering Prevention CenterThailand: Anti Money Laundering Office (AMLO)Turkey: Mali Sutlan Arastirma Kurulu, MASAKUnited Arab Emirates: Anti Money Laundering and Suspicious Cases Unit(AMLSCU)United Kingdom: NCIS / ECUVenezuela: UNIF u Unidad Nacional de Inteligencia FinancieraCountry WatchIslamic Conferences Guide US Reports on Money Laundering, Training & Other Resources International Narcotics Control and Strategy Report (INCSR)Minority Staff of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Report on Correspondent Banking- A Gateway for Money LaunderingUnited States General Accounting Office September 2003 Report to Congress- Combating Money Laundering: Opportunities Exist to Improve the National StrategyUnited States General Accounting Office, May 2004 - Investigating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Face Continuing Coordination Challenges The European Union's Third Directive on Money Laundering, UN Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of TerrorismUN Convention Against Transnational Organized CrimeUN Convention Against CorruptionDeloitte & Touche, Anti-Money Laundering Links for the United StatesFederal Law Enforcement Training CenterThe International Money Laundering Information NetworkThe Wolfsberg PrinciplesU.S. Treasury Department - 2003 National Money Laundering Strategy:
International Organizations
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)Bank for International Settlements (BIS)United Nations-Office on Drugs and CrimeEuropean CommissionOrganization of American States (OAS-CICAD)Commonwealth SecretariatCouncil of EuropeFinancial Stability Forum (FSF)InterpolWorld Customs OrganizationInternational Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO)Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors (OGBS): no websiteThe Egmont GroupPacific Island Forum SecretariatEuropolEuropean Banking FederationUN Global Program Against Money LaunderingAssociation of Certified Anti-Money Laundering SpecialistsInternational Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)Fould Ingham LimitedOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
International Financial Institutions
Asian Development Bank (ADB):European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank
Regional Groups
Asia/Pacific Group on Money LaunderingEastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG)Financial Action Task Force (FATF)Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF)Grupo de Accion Financiera de Sudamerica Contra el Lavado de Activos(GAFI-SUD)Council of Europe Legal Cooperation/Money LaunderingGroup of States Against Corruption (GRECO)
FIUs Around the World & Other Resources
Argentina: Unidad de Informacion Financiera (UIF)Australia: Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)Barbados: Financial Intelligence UnitBelgium: CTIF-CFIBolivia: Unidad de Investigaciones FinancierasBrazil: COAF u Conselho de Controle de Atividades FinancierasBritish Virgin Islands: Reporting AuthorityBulgaria: Financial Intelligence AgencyCanada: FINTRACChile: CDE / Departamento de Control de Trafico Ilfcito de EstupefacientesColombia: UIAF- Unidad de Informacion y Anlisis FinancieroCroatia: Financijska Policija / Ured za Sprjecavanje Pranja NovcaCzech Republic:Financni Analyticky Utvar (FAU-CR)Finland: Keskusrikospoliisi / Rahanpesun selvittelykeskusFrance: Traitment du Renseignement et Action Contre les Circuits Financiers Clandestins (TRACFIN)Germany: Zentralstelle fnr VerdachtsanzeigenGuatemala: Intendencia de Verificacion Especial (IVE)Hong Kong, China : Hong Kong Joint Financial Intelligence UnitIndonesia: Pusat Pelaporan Dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK)Ireland: Bureau of Fraud InvestigationIsrael: Israel Money Laundering Prohibition Authority (IMPA)Italy: UIC (SAR)Japan: JAFIO-Japan Financial Intelligence OfficeKorea, Rep. of: Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (KoFIU)Lebanon: Special Investigation Commission (SIC) Fighting Money LaunderingLithuania: Mokesciu Policiuos Departamentas Prie Vidaus Riekalu MinisterijosMonaco: SICCFINNetherlands: MOTNew Zealand: NZ Police Financial Intelligence UnitNorway: +KOKRIM / HvitvaskingsenhetenPoland: Generalny Inspektor Informacji Finansowej (GIIF)Russia: Financial Monitoring Committee of the Russian FederationSerbia: Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering Slovenia: MF-UPPD / Office for Money Laundering Prevention:Switzerland: Money Laundering Reporting Office - Switzerland (MROS)Taiwan: Money Laundering Prevention CenterThailand: Anti Money Laundering Office (AMLO)Turkey: Mali Sutlan Arastirma Kurulu, MASAKUnited Arab Emirates: Anti Money Laundering and Suspicious Cases Unit(AMLSCU)United Kingdom: NCIS / ECUVenezuela: UNIF u Unidad Nacional de Inteligencia FinancieraCountry WatchIslamic Conferences Guide
US Reports on Money Laundering, Training & Other Resources
International Narcotics Control and Strategy Report (INCSR)Minority Staff of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Report on Correspondent Banking- A Gateway for Money LaunderingUnited States General Accounting Office September 2003 Report to Congress- Combating Money Laundering: Opportunities Exist to Improve the National StrategyUnited States General Accounting Office, May 2004 - Investigating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Face Continuing Coordination Challenges The European Union's Third Directive on Money Laundering, UN Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of TerrorismUN Convention Against Transnational Organized CrimeUN Convention Against CorruptionDeloitte & Touche, Anti-Money Laundering Links for the United StatesFederal Law Enforcement Training CenterThe International Money Laundering Information NetworkThe Wolfsberg PrinciplesU.S. Treasury Department - 2003 National Money Laundering Strategy:
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