The following documents are required for most transactions:
Category 1: Companies and corporations - public or private
· Letter of Intent
· Proof of Funds or Transaction
· Complete Set (copy) of Incorporation Documents
· Board Resolution Authorizing the Transaction and Appointing A Specific Individual
to Act On Their Behalf
· Copy of the Federal Tax Identification Number
· Complete List of Contact Numbers - Phone, Fax, E-mail, Cellular Hand Phone, Pager
· Complete Corporate Address (street address and mailing address if different)
If not already included with Incorporation
Papers, a complete list of Corporate Officers
by Title and By Name
If not already included with Incorporation
Papers, a complete list of All Board of Directors
by Title and By Name
If a Public Listed Company, Ticker Symbol
and Name of Board Listed On
(Example: Nasdaq, New York City)
· Name of Current Primary Bank, Bank Address, Bank Phone Number, and the Name of One
Bank Officer .
Three (3) original copies of a Power
of Attorney (pa) appointing the Same Individual
Specified in The Board Resolution to Act on the Company/Corporation behalf
the Specified Transaction.
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Passport who will be conducting the Transaction and Signing All Required
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Country of Residence Drivers License who will be conducting the Transaction
Signing All Required Documents
Category 2: Organization - Trust, Pension
Fund, Endowment, Non Profit Entity
· Letter of Intent
· Proof of Funds or Transaction
· Complete Set (copy) of Incorporation or Legal Operating Documents
Board Resolution Authorizing the Transaction
and Appointing A Specific Individual
to Act On Their Behalf
· Copy of the Federal Tax Identification Number
Complete List of Contact Numbers - Phone,
Fax, E-mail, Cellular Hand Phone,
Pager (beeper)
· Complete Address (street address and mailing address if different)
If not already included with Incorporation
or Legal Operating Papers, a complete list of
Operating Officers by Title and By Name
If not already included with Incorporation
Papers, a complete list of All Board of Directors
Or Regents by Title and By Name
· Name of Current Primary Bank, Bank Address, Bank Phone Number, and the Name of One
Bank Officer which will acknowledge your Organization banks at that bank
Three (3) original copies of a Power
of Attorney (pa) appointing the Same Individual
Specified in The Board Resolution to Act on the "Organization's" behalf
for the Specified Transaction
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Passport who will be conducting the Transaction and Signing All Required
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Country of Residence Drivers License who will be conducting the Transaction
Signing All Required Documents
Category 3: Security House,
Trader, Attorney, Trustee
· Letter of Intent
· Proof of Funds or Transaction
· Copy of the Federal Tax Identification Number, if applicable
Complete List of Contact Numbers - Phone,
Fax, E-mail, Cellular Hand Phone,
Pager (beeper)
· Complete Address (street address and mailing address if different)
Name of Current Primary Bank involved
in Transaction, Bank Address, Bank Phone
Number, and the Name of One Bank Officer which will acknowledge that
bank is
doing business with you or your group
Three (3) original copies of a Power
of Attorney (pa) appointing a Specific Individual
to Act on the your behalf, if you are Not Conducting the Transaction
Yourself for
the Specified Transaction
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Passport who will be conducting the Transaction and Signing All Required
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Country of Residence Drivers License who will be conducting the Transaction
Signing All Required Documents
Category 4: Individual Or, Group of
Individuals, Limited or General Partnerships
· Letter of Intent
· Proof of Funds or Transaction
If more than One Individual, A Notarized
Letter from each individual, clearly stating One
Designated Person shall have the only Power of Attorney (pa) to act on
behalf of the
· If a Registered Partnership or general Partnership, any Company or Incorporation
· Copy of the Federal Tax Identification Number for Each Person (example: If a US or
Citizen each persons Social security Number); (example: Copy of Personal
ID Card for each person)
· Copy of the Federal Tax Identification Number for the Registered Partnership
Complete List of Contact Numbers - Phone,
Fax, E-mail, Cellular Hand Phone,
Pager (beeper) for each individual
· Complete Address (street address and mailing address if different) for each individual
Name of Current Primary Bank involved
in the Transaction, Bank Address, Bank Phone
Number, and the Name of One Bank Officer which will acknowledge that bank
is doing business with you or your group
Three (3) original copies of a Power
of Attorney (pa) appointing One (1) Specific
Individual (only) to Act on the your behalf, if you are Not Conducting the
Yourself for the Specified Transaction, Or if there are more than
one individual involved
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Passport who will be conducting the Transaction and Signing All Required
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Country of Residence Drivers License who will be conducting the Transaction
Signing All Required Documents
Category 5: Nominee, Appointees, Brokers,
Introducers, Middlemen, etc.
· Letter of Introduction from Owner of Funds
· Letter of Intent
· Proof of Funds or Transaction
If more than One Individual, A Notarized
Letter from each individual, clearly stating One
Designated Person shall have the only Power of Attorney (pa) to act on
behalf of the
· Copy of the Federal Tax Identification Number for Each Person (example: If a US or
Citizen each persons Social security Number); (example: Copy of Personal
ID Card for each person)
· Complete List of Contact Numbers - Phone, Fax, E-mail, Cellular Hand Phone, Pager
(beeper) for each individual involved
· Complete Address (street address and mailing address if different) for each individual
Name of Current Primary Bank involved
in the Transaction, Bank Address, Bank Phone
Number, and the Name of One Bank Officer which will acknowledge that bank
is doing business with the owner of the Funds
· Three (3) original copies of a Power of Attorney (pa) appointing One (1) Specific
Individual (only) to Act on the your behalf, if you are Not Conducting the Transaction Yourself for the Specified Transaction,
Or if there are more than one individual involved
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Passport who will be conducting the Transaction and Signing All Required
Five (5) color laser copies for Identification
(ID) purposes of the Specified Individual's
Current Country of Residence Drivers License who will be conducting the Transaction
Signing All Required Documents
In Addition:
· If you are representing a Company or Corporation. Also, see Category 1
· If you are representing an Organization - Trust, Pension Fund, Endowment, Non Profit
Entity. Also, see Category 2
· If you are representing a Security House, Trader, Attorney, Trustee. Also, see Category
· If you are representing a Individual Or, Group of Individuals, Limited or General
Partnerships. Also, see Category 4
· Documents and Paper Work Contained herein are a guide line only, banks, trading houses,
and government agencies change the rules, regulation, policies, and laws all the time. You will be informed exactly what you
have to have in each step and when.
· Read the appropriate material contain herein to be informed of the guidelines pertaining
to 'Your' particular transaction.
· Transactions conducted or held by individuals are highly questioned by banks, trading
houses, buyers, brokers, and investors throughout the world.
· In most instances, it will be easier to raise a 'Credit Line' than convert Bank Instrument
to CASH!
· Fluctuating World Market Conditions set the pace and determine the trading value,
if any.
Usually most every instrument can be
converted some how, however, some are just not
desirable Trading Instruments on the current World Market.
· Substantiated "Documentation' is needed for every type of transaction.
The following documents are required for most transactions:
Item 1: Corporate Board
Whether this is a public or private
corporation (company) doing the transaction, The Board of Directors, must issue a 'Corporate Board Resolution' authorizing
the company/corporation to undertake the specific transaction. The 'Resolution' should be very specific (not broad based)
specifying the following:
The Specific Transaction - BG, SBLC, Currency,
The Transaction Amount.
What is to be Done - Sell
the Instrument, Raise a Credit Line, Invest The Money,
Move Money Off Shore, etc...etc. If not sure, use a phrase such
as 'Convert such instruments listed herein, and utilize to company's benefit.'
The Transaction can involve more than one
Instrument or Amount, but list them separately.
If a specific individual is to be in charge,
specify that persons name and title.
If a Power of Attorney (pa) is to be issued,
so stipulate in the Resolution, and to whom, and how long it is valid. Also, see Power of Attorney, below.
The Board Resolution, must be issued in accordance
with the articles of incorporation. If not stipulated, then by a majority present and approving such 'Resolution.'
At least three (3) signatures are required
on the 'Resolution.'
Three (3) copies of the 'Resolution' are
usually required.
Item 2: Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney (pa) should only be issued
when the owner, or authorized representative can not actually attend the transaction.
The Power of Attorney (pa) must be specific,
general power of attorney's are not acceptable in the financial community, especially for large transactions.
The Power of Attorney (pa) should be prepared
by an attorney, have is stamp (chop) contained therein.
The Power of Attorney (pa) must have three
(3) witnesses who must sign, date, and print their name and ID Number.
The Power of Attorney (pa) must be Notarized.
If a specific requirement within your host
country is also required, such as placing a 'Government Stamp, or Registering the Document', it is advisable to do so,
provided it does Not alter the above international standardize banking requirements.
Remember, PA Holders Can NOT issue PA's to
another person.
Item 3: Photo Identification
Clear and legible photo identification
(ID) is required for all transactions. Please provide the following:
Five (5) Color Copies of Your Current and
Valid Passport. This need to include the picture and pertinent pages, it may require 3 or 4 pages of the Passport, depending on
Country of Issue to comply with this requirement.
Five (5) Color Copies of
Your Personal Identification Card (I/C Card), many countries
require this of their citizens or resident aliens. Please
provide front and back copies.
Five (5) Color Copies of another form of
Personal Identification (I.D.) such as your drivers license. Please provide front and back copies.
If you are a Resident Alien, you must also
provide Five (5) Color Copies of this also. Please provide front and back copies.
If you are a US or Canadian Citizen,
you also provide Five (5) B&W Photo Copies of Your Social Security Card.