What is a financial fraud ?

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What Is a Financial Fraud?

International criminals entice their victims by offering convincing documents, generally fraudulent, promising substantial sums of money for participating in their scheme. At some point the victim will be asked or directed to provide up front fees to proceed with the transaction.

Financial Instruments generally offered in fraudulent transactions are:
Zero Coupon Bonds, Prime Bank Notes, Bank Guarantees, Money Loans or Transfers, Bearer Stock, Precious Metals, Mining Stock, Crude Oil and Major Construction Projects.

The players are unsuspecting businessmen, brokers, bank officers, government agents, notary's, attorneys, accountants and financial consultants. The perpetrators will associate their activities with trust companies, officers of banks, non-registered banks domiciled in offshore tax havens, and governments agents.

International criminal financial transactions are offered via the Internet, fax and telex. The current choice of delivery is the Internet.. If you or one of your clients are approached or have been caught up in one of these transactions, we suggest that you contact your local FBI office or Interpol. However if you are currently facing criminal prosecution or you are not sure what you are involved in, contact our office as soon as possible.

Why these international criminals are so successful: Legitimate financial transactions are conducted every moment of every day in the world, international trading uses prime bank notes, bonds, stock, bearer stock, letters of credit, government guarantees, insurance policies, euro bonds/currency, trust instruments, interests and currency swaps, commodities and oil. There are over 400 major banks in every tax haven in the world. Many major corporations maintain a presence in these markets for tax deferments, ease of commerce and trading.

Knowledge is paramount: we will assist with investigative due diligence prior to making an investment or financing a project. The international market offers many opportunities for investment. we have the ability to investigate and bring to light the total picture. We will develop intelligence on the local business climate, government cover-ups, questionable partners, potential labor problems and development authorities that have been known to be less informative than they should be. We are trained to obtain the answers to your questions and provide the information required for the right decisions to be made, prior to a costly venture. Planning for the unknown is always sound advice.

financial fraud is the crime of the millennium these complex schemes are difficult to detect and require experinced proffisionals with very specialized expert investigative skills.we are your very best line of defence.


with 20 years of international banking experiance, fraud investigations and financial consulting,we considered by many businessmen and law enforcement agencies worlwide,as one of the foremost authhorities with refrence to international banking programs, creative financial programs and global financial fraud currently proliferating the business world is not uncommon to find yourself the subject of an ongoing investigation by the aforementioned organizations, often, many individuals and companies are considered (suspect) by the very nature of their business or personal association with others, ignorance is no longer a valid excuse for violating the law

our area of experiance lies within the scope of following financial business structures:

*standby letter of credit.

*documentry letters of credit (commerecial).

*bank guarantee instruments in international trade.

*bank guarantee instruments as financial guarantee.

*direct and indirect bank guarantees.

*bank letter of guarantee.

*high yield investment programs.

*international banking and financial consulting.

*code of conduct for international banking.

*prime bank instrument fraud uncovered.

*prime bank notes and prime bank guarantee.

*blocked funds letters, bond funds confirmation, etc.

*credit enhancement process & arbitrage.

*ICC format 3034/3039 london short/long form.

*insurance fraud and investigations (world wide).

we suggests that prior to engaging any individual or company in transactions involving any of the above referenced categories, that the services of a proffisional financial consultant, financial fraud investigator, certified public accountant or international legal counsel should retained prior to engagement to obtain proffisional advice in these matters, knowldge is the best defense with reference to haw the real world of international finance operats and haw legitimate banking/securities/finance business is structured in order to conduct good prudent business in full compklience with existing laws.





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